Happy August!
Is it just me or does it seem like every week we are already welcoming the new month? What a great week this has been! Full of many miracles big and small and I can't wait to share as many as I can! The title of this email is Sa Awa ng Diyos which can be translated to mean by the Grace of God. That is the best way to describe this week.
It all started a week ago! Last pday, we were able to see how God was watching over us and taking care of us. So like I mentioned last week, I was not feeling too great. During our email time, Sister Nott told me that her stomach was also starting to cramp up and stuff. But we really wanted to have a fun pday. Our district was going bowling at the nearby mall and we payed a lot of money for this pizza that was apparently like the best in Baguio. So we wanted to get our moneys worth haha. So we kind of just ignored it and thought it would go away. Everything was great until like the last frame of our game (I was in second place by the way. Not that it matters) and then my stomach was like doing front flips, back flips, side flips, everything and I couldn't handle it anymore. So Sister Nott and I quickly finished our frames (i finished in second by the way) and we didn't even get to go shopping. We had to just rush to a taxi and get home. Long story short, we made it home and to the CR (comfort room/bathroom) just in time!
That night was also a family home evening at our Bishop's house. It was the last FHE there because he got released last week and they don't live in our area so they will be going to another ward now! We really wanted to go but weren't sure if we should since we were a little sick. But we said a prayer and were able to make it all the way through! These are kind of silly, but even through these things that seem insignificant or silly, Heavenly Father is still taking care of us!
So this past
Saturday was the date that we had been planning for the Bamba family's baptism. We decided that brother and sister should be baptized first, and then we can focus on Stephen and Benilda, their children and help them to get a desire for themselves to be baptized rather than just do it because their parents were doing it. We were so excited because President Balledos was the one to be baptizing brother and sister and they were showing such great progression. There wasn't a doubt in our mind that the baptism would continue. But then a couple of weeks ago, they had gone to Manila for their children's taikwondo tournament and then they weren't responding to our texts and we were worried about what was happening. They finally texted saying that they had run into a financial problem and were a little ashamed to have us over at their house. They weren't able to be paying for their electric and they were shy to tell us. When spoke with them, they were obviously overwhelmed and stressed.
Sister Nott and I were worried that we would have to reschedule their baptism. We told them that we might have to reschedule. All they said is that they would text us later. So fast forward a few days to the FHE at our bishops house and we hadn't heard from the Bambas yet. But as we were about to leave the FHE, brother Ben called us. He told us they would do whatever they need to do to make sure the baptism happens August 2nd. They knew that when they accepted the date, it wasn't just a committment to us, but to the Lord as well. We could not have been happier to hear that. Annnnd, this Saturday August 2, Brother Ben and Sister Jen Bamba were baptized! Dang no more time. There is so much more to share! But I will just have to share it next week.
In closing, here is a scripture I really loved from my personal study this week and it applies well to my email. In 2 nephi 2 verse 14 (I am pretty sure) Lehi is telling his son about how God created all things in the earth. Both things to act, and things to be acted upon. Now my question, is which are we? As humans, we are things which are supposed to act. As I thought of acting, I wanted the dictionary definition but couldn't get it, so I thought of an actor. I thought of one of my favorite actors Madison Eror :) hehe. But I thought about how when she takes on a role, she acts. Her actions reflect who her character is. It can be difficult, because every single action should emulate the role she is playing. But sometimes she could make a mistake and act like someone besides her role. As children of God, we have been given a role to play, especially those of us who are members. I invite you to think about this scripture and think about the ways you are going to make sure your actions help you to fulfill your role. Try not to start playing the role of someone other than who you are, a loved Child of God. Sorry this was rushed so if it doesn't make sense sensiya na! I love you all! Have agreat week! Bye!!!

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